Tuesday, April 8, 2014

In praise of Gilli Bassan, and an experimental salad

One of my favourite dinners even pre this whole food extravaganza was Gilli Bassan’s pumpkin and chickpea tagine. You can find something similar at http://moroccanfood.about.com/od/vegetarianmaindishes/r/moroccan_carrot_chickpea_tagine.htm

If you make this one, use lots more spices than recommended. I double the amounts.

And both carrot or pumpkin are delicious. One of the great things about this dish is that it is likely you would have all the ingredients in your pantry, and it takes about 25 mins total, including preparation.

Tonight I made a new salad. Using our super duper peeler; finely peel one fresh zucchini, toss in lemon juice and olive oil, sprinkle lots of dried dill and chopped fresh mint. Add some finely sliced iceberg lettuce, and just before serving add speedily boiled fresh green peas. As we grew the zucchini, mint, lettuce, lemon and oil , you can see why I liked it. The peas were Watties baby minted peas.

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