Spring is here, the winter slowly drifting off, remnants of rain lagging behind. The flooded Ruamahunga has returned to normal for now, the Tararua hills are covered with snow, David is working flat out for three weekends now putting in our frost system before the grape have their bud burst. In the past two years we have lost our grapes to frost. A 5 degree frost kills anything alive and tender as grapes and leaves. As part of our research he set up two thermomentres, one at ground level and the other 5 metres high. I was the one who ventured out at 2am to check temperatures,
We have been on trade me to buy a sprayer for the olives trees so we can spray nutrients into the leaves and get rid of the peakcock spot, which is threatening the trees. So much to do. We will be spraying a mix of copper and sulphur over several weeks. However before we do that, we need to now find a tractor! We will also be spraying sulphur onto the vine leaves to prevent mildew.
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