Sunday, December 9, 2007

Early December abundance

Spring growth everywhere. This weekend we were greeted by both the resutls of our hard work of the past year and by the watering we can now do with the well. The herbs in the greenhouse, roses at the front door, the poppies Jane gave me are blooming, and the garden around the water tank is gorgeous. My dream with this garden was to have icebergs all over the tank, and they are half way there!! Claire and I planted these roses in June. And then of course there is the christmas tree lettuce greeting us from the green house. The builders, Russell and James, have begun on the shearers quarters. the lean to has been demolished, the floor is being poured this Wednesday, Robin the pumber came in on Saturday and put in the pipes for water in the bathroom and kitchen. So this is great progress. Our jobs this weekend included mowing the front and side olives, David buried the water pipes around the side olives so we can mow there. Jane showed me how to make a cage for the raspberries, and it looks rather like a barge in our back yard, however we are more likely to pick the raspberries, and not the birds.

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